Create user for nagios web GUI and limit access to some specific hosts

For allowing a user view-only access only to some hosts in Nagios webview you have to implement following changes:

Note: Jump to 3. if you already have password protected authentication enabled

  1. Edit the cgi.cfg located in your nagios installation (e.g. /usr/local/nagios/etc) to enable password protected login:
  2. In the nagios.conf file in your Apache installation directory, verify that the following lines are included to point to the htpasswd.users file:
    AuthName "Nagios Access"
    AuthType Basic
    AuthUserFile /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users
    Require valid-user
  3. Add the user to the htpasswd.users file using the htpasswd command and the Apache HTTPD password manager. Location could vary depending on your system; a few common locations for it are /usr/bin and /usr/local/apache/bin:
    # htpasswd /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswd.users testuser01
    New password:
    Re-type new password:
    Adding password for user testuser01
  4. Edit the cgi.cfg located in your nagios installation; uncomment authorized_for_read_only and add the username(s) for which you want to grant the access:
  5. Create an entry for the user in objects/contacts.cfg from your nagios installation:
    define contact {
        contact_name                    testuser01
        use                             generic-contact
        alias                           Test User 01
        email                           [email protected]
  6. In the same objects/contacts.cfg define also a group that will hold the user and other future users that will need same access to same hosts – easier to manage when users are contain in groups:
    define contactgroup {
        contactgroup_name       view-only-host01
        alias                   View Only access to alarms for Host01
        members                 testuser01
  7. Take the contactgroup defined previously, view-only-host01, and in the .cfg of your host (e.g. objects/host01.cfg) add it to every service for which you want to grant the view only access:
    define service{
           service_description     Alarm for Test service - Metric 01
           check_command           webinject!test/test.xml
           servicegroups           availability
           contact_groups          admins,view-only-host01
  8. Restart nagios