Protect Multiple Directory Using .htaccess & .htpasswd

Let’s say you need to protect few directories (/def, /ghi, /mno) from following tree. Then please follow the further mention steps

  • /var/www/html
    • /abc
    • /def
    • /ghi
    • /jkl
    • /mno
  1. Create the .htpasswd file in /var/www directory from below command
    root@amitanvir:~# cd /var/www/
    root@amitanvir:/var/www# htpasswd -c .htpasswd username1

    The console will prompt to enter (and re-enter) a password for username1.

  2. Set permission for the .htpasswd file
    root@amitanvir:/var/www# chmod 644 .htpasswd
  3. Create a file called .htaccess within the directory (/var/www/html/def) you want to password protect.
    root@amitanvir:/var/www/html/def# nano .htaccess
  4. Paste the following in .htaccess file
    AuthUserFile /var/www/.htpasswd
    	    AuthGroupFile /dev/null
    	    AuthName "Secure Directory"
    	    AuthType Basic
    	    require user username1
    	    require user username2
  5. Save it & restart Apache Service. The folder is now password protected when we access it via web browser.
  6. Copy this .htaccess file in other directories & restart the Apache service.


  • The -c option in htpasswd -c .htpasswd username1 will create a new file and save the encrypted password. If the file already exists then it’ll be cleared completely, and re-created with the last username and encrypted password
  • Please use the below command if you are facing Internal Server Error with log entry containing Invalid command ‘AuthGroupFile’, perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration
    a2enmod authz_groupfile